Archive for the ‘Ethics’ Category

The Source of Morality


(YouTube MythVision) – Derek Lambert:

Contrary to the widely held belief that Christianity is the sole beacon of morality in our historical narrative, evidence from the meticulous scholarship of Dr. Richard Carrier vividly illustrates a different picture. Long before the advent of Christianity, paganism was not a moral wilderness; rather, it was rich with ethical principles and a profound sense of community and humanity. These ancient civilizations, often painted as morally bereft in contrast to Christian teachings, actually demonstrated advanced moral concepts in their laws, philosophies, and daily practices. From the Stoics of ancient Greece, who espoused virtues of self-control and equality, to the elaborate legal systems of the Roman Empire that emphasized justice and responsibility, these societies were guided by a deep-seated understanding of ethics and morality. This historical journey challenges the narrative that Christianity was the singular source of moral values, revealing a more complex and intertwined evolution of ethics that transcends religious boundaries. …

youtube px_dPORDFDQMythvision 2024-02-05, Derek Lambert and Richard Carrier

Is a Good God Logically Possible?


Richard Carrier:

Philosopher James Sterba came out with a book of that title, arguing for the conclusion that a good God is logically impossible, given present observations.

It is quite useful, if you want to hone your ability to explain why the Argument from Evil cannot be dismissed with any of the tactics delusional believers attempt in order to avoid admitting to themselves the monstrosity of their imagined god. His every chapter is thoroughly argued and has timely and detailed bibliographies, making it an excellent reference and guide. …

One elegant feature of Sterba’s cumulative argument is that it does wall off a number of common rhetorical escapes. For instance, you can’t argue that maybe we are mistaken in how much evil we observe, because a good god by definition would not allow us to be; just as a good god by definition would inform us of the moral reason for all the evil we do observe. Thus Sterba makes sure the escapes are whittled down to just one and the same thing every time: the need of an excuse for god to act apparently immorally, when no similarly situated good person would ever do so. …

richardcarrier 15794James P. Sterba: Is a Good God Logically Possible?

The Judgement of Jeremy Bentham


(Existential Comics) – “Welcome to the afterlife, Jeremy Bentham. I am God, as you can probably tell.” …

existentialcomics 535Existential Comics 535: The Judgement of Jeremy Bentham

The Barbaric God of The Bible


(Debunking Christianity) – John W. Loftus:

Nature’s God does many things that if we did them we’d be indicted for crimes against humanity. This is what John Stuart Mill (1806-1873) argued:

“In sober truth, nearly all the things which men are hanged or imprisoned for doing to one another are nature’s everyday performances. Killing, the most criminal act recognized by human laws, nature does once to every being that lives, and in a large proportion of cases after protracted tortures such as only the greatest monsters whom we read of ever purposely inflicted on their living fellow creatures. Nature impales men, breaks them as if on the wheel, casts them to be devoured by wild beasts, burns them to death, crushes them with stones, starves them with hunger, freezes them with the cold, poisons them by the quick or slow venom of her exhalations, and has hundreds of other hideous deaths in reserve such as the ingenious cruelty of a Nabis or a Domitian never surpassed. She mows down those on whose existence hangs the well-being of a whole people, with as little compunction as those whose death is a relief to themselves.”

“Next to taking life is taking the means by which we live; and nature does this too, on the largest scale and with the most callous indifference. A single hurricane destroys the hopes of a season; a flight of locusts desolates a district; a trifling chemical change in an edible root starves a million people. The waves of the sea, like banditti, seize and appropriate the wealth of the rich and the little all of the poor. Everything, in short, which the worst men commit either against life or property is perpetrated on a larger scale by natural agents.” [Nature and the Utility of Religion, 1871].

To those who ask how we could question God, listen again to John Stuart Mill:

“In everyday life I know what to call right or wrong, because I can plainly see its rightness or wrongness. Now if a god requires that what I ordinarily call wrong in human behavior I must call right because he does it; or that what I ordinarily call wrong I must call right because he so calls it, even though I do not see the point of it; and if by refusing to do so, he can sentence me to hell, to hell I will gladly go.” [Reproduced in an appendix in Richard Taylor, ed., Theism (Liberal Arts Press, 1957), pp. 89-96].

debunking barbaric-godDan Barker: God - The Most Unpleasant Character in All Fiction

The West’s Contempt


(Guardian Comments) – Owen Jones:

The devaluing of Palestinian life is not a supposition, it is a statistical fact. According to a new study of coverage in major US newspapers, for every Israeli death Israelis are mentioned eight times – or at a rate 16 times more per death than that of Palestinians. …

All this will have a profound impact. For a start, forget about any future western claims about human rights and international law. …

Our political and media elites are complicit in Gaza’s nightmare. Any vestige of moral authority has been lost for ever. …

theguardian palestinian-livesDestruction in Gaza

Ben Franklin’s Noble Lie


(OnlySky) – Adam Lee:

In his published works, Benjamin Franklin expressed the misanthropic view that most people can’t behave without religion to keep them in line. What does the evidence say about this noble lie? …

In the centuries since then, we’ve obtained enough data to answer this question empirically. Blasphemy laws and other theocratic conceits have been repealed almost everywhere. Especially in the last few decades, religion is in rapid decline.

Has the rise of nonbelief made us worse? Has the country spiraled into chaos without churches holding the whip over us? Have people run wild, killing and pillaging, without the fear of God to keep them in check?

Just the opposite has happened. We’ve become less violent and less warlike. We’ve abolished slavery and other cruel customs. Poverty has declined and literacy has increased. We’ve made great strides toward achieving equal rights under the law for everyone. We’ve become less prejudiced and more tolerant: of immigrants, of all races and cultures, of other religions, of LGBTQ people. …

To the extent that humanity still believes in cruelty, oppression and prejudice, it’s clearer than ever that religion is to blame for that. Religion sows the seeds of prejudice, inspiring xenophobia and bigotry. It promotes closed-mindedness and hostility to science, to progress, and to new and different ideas. It justifies war and violence in the name of God.

The decline of religion, rather than making us worse, has made us better. …

alee ben-franklins-noble-lieBenjamin Franklin, 1767

Fantasy Morality


(Existential Comics) – It is funny to think about the morality in the fantasy genre, because often it just seems more like a war between species which are both trying to exterminate each other, rather than a moral issue. They have to find ways to explain why humans are justified to kill orcs or goblins or whatever on sight. …

In the latest editions, this sort of thing has been seen to be problematic, and stripped out. Now the orcs simply have an evil culture, most likely because they weren’t exposed to John Rawls at University. …

existentialcomics 527Existential Comics 527: Fantasy Morality

The Shatterer of Worlds


(Debunking Christianity) – David Madison:

Those who have been assured since childhood that God is Love — and have been coached to pray to their loving father well into adulthood — seem immune to many Bible texts that contradict this idea, for example, these pieces of Jesus-script:

“Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother,
and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law, and one’s foes will be members of one’s own household.” (Matthew 10:34-36) …

The Genesis Flood Story is all about god killing as many people as possible, in fact everyone on earth except for one family. Yet Bible books for children focus on the rainbow ending, ignoring the genocide. …

debunking gods-to-do-listNoah's Ark Children's Story

The Allure of Tribalism


(OnlySky) – Adam Lee:

Moral codes based on tribalism—defining the in-group and the out-group, whether by culture, religion or race—offer no solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict or any of the other wars wracking our world. The only path to peace is a morality based on empathy and universal humanity, yet it seems further from our grasp than ever. …

alee the-allure-of-tribalismGaza after aerial bombardment in Oct 2023

Moral War, a Contradiction of Terms


M L Clark:

The complete siege of the Gaza Strip by IDF after an October 7 attack on Israeli citizens highlights how ill-prepared the world is to enforce humanitarian standards amid war. …

mclark moral-warGaza after aerial bombardment in Oct 2023


God Lies


(OnlySky) – Bob Seidensticker:

Not that we need the confirmation, but the Bible makes clear that lying is bad. The ninth Commandment says so. Yahweh detests lying lips (Proverbs 12:22), and lying makes his top-seven list of things that he hates (Prov. 6:16–19).

And, not surprisingly, God doesn’t lie himself.

God is not human, that he should lie, not a human being, that he should change his mind (Numbers 23:19).

It is impossible for God to lie (Hebrews 6:18).

But that’s just what a liar would say, isn’t it? Let’s see what the Good Book admits about God lying. …

  • What about justified lies? …
  • God lies in Garden of Eden story …
  • God lies to Ahab …
  • New Testament lying …
  • Jesus lying …
  • God is untrustworthy …

Christian apologists will try to spin the story to salvage some credibility for God, but what can this guy do and be declared immoral? If he’s simply moral by definition, then the claim is meaningless. …

crossexamined george-washingtonRembrandt: Moses with the Ten Commandments

Why Organized Religion Undermines Morality


(YouTube::Planet Curious) – This video argues that the principles of Theism goes against the very core of what we actually mean with morality. …

youtube tqN6xHAR3D4Battle of Jericho Activity Book

Rape-Baby Jesus


(Raging Pencils) – Mike Stanfill:

The Scriptures are full of silly nonsense… talking bushes, talking snakes, boats carrying the whole of Earth’s vertebrate fauna, etc.

Perhaps the silliest story we let slide by unremarked is that of god boinking a virgin so she’ll squirt him out a savior. Why a virgin? Why even a woman? God could have impregnated a man, or a sheep, or a rock if he so chose. I mean, he’s god, you know. …

The yuckier version of this myth is that even way back yonder there were certainly plenty of horn-dogs macking on sweet young thangs. A virgin teen was probably a pretty hot fantasy date so considering the stories of legend were written by men it should come as no surprise that it occurs front and center in such fictional works that we currently call “The Bible“. And we put this smutty thing in school libraries. Tsk-tsk. …

ragingpencils rape-baby-jesusMike Stanfill: Raging Pencils 2023-09-20: Rape-Baby Jesus

Why the Bible Undermines Morality


(YouTube::Planet Curious) – This video argues that the principles of the Bible goes against the very core of what we actually mean with morality. The speakers are: Lawrence Krauss, Sam Harris, Dan Barker, and Peter Atkins. …

youtubec 53hVqbjFQQ8"The Battle of Ager Sanguinis", 1337 miniature

God is a Stick


(OnlySky) – Adam Lee:

God is the ultimate ad baculum argument. By claiming to be following God’s will, religious believers can concoct rules justified not by reason, but by the threat of force. …

I argue that, while there are good people who are religious, it’s not their religion making them better. You never need God to justify why you should be kinder to your fellow human beings. You never need a holy book or a priesthood to explain why you should be fair, why you should be compassionate, why you should be empathetic. All we need to ground morality is the simple principle of reciprocity, which even a child can see the sense of.

On the other hand, you do need God to justify why you should treat others worse. Belief in God is like a sheet you can throw over all manner of atrocities to cover them in a disguise of sanctity. It offers limitless justifications for cruelty: it’s for the victim’s ultimate good in the afterlife; it’s a deserved punishment for sin, and everyone is a sinner; and last but not least, because God said so, and God is ineffable and his will may not be questioned. …

alee god-is-a-stickPenitents

Elon Musk and Anti-Semitism


(Popular Information) – Judd Legum, Tesnim Zekeria:

Elon Musk, a self-proclaimed “free speech absolutist,” is threatening to sue the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) for billions of dollars because the group has publicly criticized his management of X, the platform formerly known as Twitter. In a public meltdown over X’s declining financial condition, Musk accused the ADL, an organization founded in 1913 “to stop the defamation of the Jewish people and to secure justice and fair treatment to all,” of being “the biggest generators of anti-semitism” on X. …

The ADL, however, reported, correctly, that X was hosting anti-Semitic content and Musk had rolled back efforts to combat hate speech. And the ADL, exercising its First Amendment rights, encouraged advertisers to spend their money elsewhere unless and until Musk changed course. …

Musk, known for repeatedly associating with far-right circles, has a history of amplifying anti-Semitic speech. …

Along with making anti-Semitic remarks, Musk is also reinstating the accounts of those who make similar comments, like Kanye West. Musk also “consistently finds himself chatting it up with Twitter’s best-known antisemites.” … elon-musk-and-antiElon Musk antisemitic tweets