Archive for March, 2014

Southern State Woes


(FTB::Mano Singham) – We all know that the central and southern states are where the real, god-fearing ‘Merkins live, those who uphold the good old-fashioned virtues of independence and hard work, unlike the heathens in the rest of the country with their lazy and hedonistic values.

But Emily Cohn has put together nine maps of the US that show various indicators of income and quality of life. It turns out that the southern states are paying a high price for being able to think of themselves as living the way that god intended.  …


USA States Happiness 2013

Einstein’s Lost Theory


(Discover Blogs::The Crux) – Amir Aczel:

The Irish physicist Cormac O’Raifeartaigh was perusing documents at the Einstein Archives at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem in late 2013 when he discovered a handwritten manuscript by Einstein that scholars had never looked at carefully before. The paper, called “Zum kosmologischen Problem” (“About the Cosmological Problem”), had been erroneously filed as a draft of another paper, which Einstein published in 1931 in the annals of the Prussian Academy of Sciences. But it was not. It seems that even with Einstein, old notions die hard: This paper was his stubborn attempt to resurrect the cosmological constant he had vowed never to use again. …


A. Einstein: Zum kosmologischen Problem

Losing Your Parents to Faux News


(FTB::Mano Singham) – The average age of people who watch Fox News is 68. That means that many people’s parents and grandparents get their news almost exclusively from a cable news channel that deliberately sets about feeding a demonstrably false narrative aimed at pursuing an agenda that is a mix of enriching the wealthy, despising the poor and working class, ginning up viewership with fake controversies, making the audience feel that they are constant siege by hostile forces, and advancing the interests of the Republican party and its Tea Party base.

Edwin Lyngar is one such person who finds himself becoming estranged from his father as the former drifted from the libertarian conservatism of his childhood and latter became solely reliant on Fox for his information. He says conversations with his father have become increasingly difficult. …


Roger Ailes - Bret Baier - Megyn Kelly - Sean Hannity - Bill O'Reilly

Land Mammals


(xkcd) – Randall Munroe:

Earth’s land mammals by weight …

xkcd 1338: Land mammals by weight



(Jesus and Mo) – Jesus: “Yes, Mo – some people do take the Flying Spaghetti Monster seriously. They claim to have been ‘touched by His Noodly Appendage’.” …

Jesus and Mo 2014-03-05: Weird

Supermarket Stalking


(The Guardian Comments) – Suzanne Moore:

I only wanted to order some groceries, but now I discover that I have forgotten our ‘anniversary’. Does this kind of harrassment-marketing really work? …


Ocado delivery van

Management by Terror


(Spiegel Wirtschaft) – Michael Kröger:

Am 11. März ist Hartmut Mehdorn ein Jahr Chef der Berliner Flughafengesellschaft. Was hat er seitdem geschafft? Nicht viel, ein normaler Angestellter hätte mit einer solchen Bilanz die Probezeit wohl nicht bestanden. …


Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg

Carroll’s Response


(FTB::Mano Singham) – In his opening remarks of the “God and Cosmology” Debate, William Lane Craig said that all he was seeking to show was that modern cosmology provided “significant evidence in support of premises in philosophical arguments for conclusions having theological significance”.

Then Sean Carroll made a non-standard move for a respondent by ignoring Craig’s framing and reframing the debate as to whether naturalism or theism is the better way of understanding the universe. He pointed out that at cosmology conferences no one takes god seriously as a proposition to be included in understanding the universe. He said that naturalism is preferable to theism because:

  1. Naturalism works
  2. The evidence is against theism
  3. Theism is not well-defined


Big Bang expansion timeline

The Back-and-Forth

(FTB::Mano Singham) – We had two further talks by each that allowed for some back and forth.

Craig seemed a little frustrated at the way that Carroll had broadened the debate to one between theism and naturalism. He tried his best to get the debate back within the minimalist framing with which he had started and protested that the debate was not between theism and naturalism that Carroll had made it into and that the latter had introduced extraneous non-cosmological arguments to show that naturalism was superior. While this complaint may have had an effect on judges in a formal debating contest, here it came off as somewhat whiny.

This of course is the classic Craig gambit, to argue for the absolute minimal non-natural influence and once you have that wedge in the door, then blast through that tiny opening with an interventionist god, Jesus, miracles, the whole religious kit-and caboodle. It is completely disingenuous.

In response, Carroll reiterated that this debate was about whether naturalism or theism was better and that naturalism was preferable because of the three points he had made earlier: that naturalism works, the evidence is against theism, and theism is not well-defined. …

He said that Craig’s argument fails because he thinks that the same kinds of causal reasoning that applies to events within the universe that exist in time also applies to the universe as a whole. What applies to things inside the universe is different from what happens to the universe. Carroll said that we have no right to expect more than a complete model of the universe and to do so ends up asking the wrong questions.

500 years ago it would have been reasonable to be a theist because that was the best that people could do with the knowledge they had but that got undermined by modern science beginning with Newton, and after Darwin it was a complete rout. …


Science needs no gods

Quantum interrogation


(Preposterous Universe) – Sean Carroll:

Quantum mechanics, as we all know, is weird. It’s weird enough in its own right, but when some determined experimenters do tricks that really bring out the weirdness in all its glory, and the results are conveyed to us by well-intentioned but occasionally murky vulgarizations in the popular press, it can seem even weirder than usual. …


Steak Salad

The Arrow of Time


(Preposterous Universe) – Sean Carroll:

The fact that entropy increases defines the arrow of time. It is a statistical phenomenon, valid for large systems, and the Second Law looks very different from the “microscopic” laws of physics, which generally don’t care which direction time is running in. Of course, the only reason we see that entropy increases is because it used to be small in the past. Once the gas fills the box, it essentially stays there forever (apart from rare fluctuations).

So, as cosmologists, we have an issue to address – why was the entropy of our early universe so small? If high-entropy states are “natural,” why don’t we live in one? You might think to appeal to the dreaded anthropic principle, and argue that life couldn’t exist in a state with really high entropy. But that turns out not to be good enough; the entropy of our universe is much much lower than it needs to be to support the existence of life. So we are faced with the “arrow of time problem.” …


Symmetrical Arrow of Time



(Preposterous Universe) – Sean Carroll:

I’ve now officially been blogging for ten years.

Here are some of my personal favorites from each of the past ten years:


Das Schweigen der Spinner


(Der Spiegel::Helden) – Silke Burmester:

Die NPD fühlt sich von Joachim Gauck verunglimpft, weil sie sich angesprochen fühlte, als der Bundespräsident von “Spinnern” sprach. Zugleich hat sich bisher kein Spinner darüber beschwert, dass Gauck ihn mit Rechten gleichsetzt. Warum nur? …


Storch Heinar