Archive for May 16th, 2019



(xkcd) – Randall Munroe:

A keyboard for power users and their Powerful Fingers® …

xkcd 2150

Randall Munroe: xkcd 2150: XKeyboarCD

Trump: Boycott Chinese Goods!


(New Yorker::The Borowitz Report) – Andy Borowitz:

Asking for their solidarity in his trade war with China, Donald Trump is urging Americans to boycott Chinese goods and “just buy things at Walmart.” …

borowitz-report boycott-chinese

Walmart store

Ignoring Trump’s Orders


(Atlantic Politics) – Elaina Plott:

Slow-walking or flat-out disobeying Trump’s fleeting obsessions has become common practice across various sectors of government. …

theatlantic ignore-president

Clueless Donald Trump