Archive for April 29th, 2019

Hoist The Black Flag


(FTB stderr) – Marcus Ranum:

I am now convinced that the Republican Party, with its relentless support for Trump, favoritism for the rich, racism, and anti-environmentalism, is a clear and present danger to whatever shreds of democracy the US has managed to build. …

Then, I started thinking about how it is that the Democrats manage to lose, and how both parties are generally incompetent, and I realized that they know they need eachother and they’re using the endless conflict as a way of controlling and guiding the entire political dialogue, by opposing caricatures of eachother and endlessly tweaking the Overton window. …

Look at how, after a massive mid-term defeat that crushed the Republicans plans in many states, Nancy Pelosi was quick to hoist the white flag of “bipartisanship” in order to spend her effort paying back the uppity non-white young women who were upsetting the apple cart. Aside from the Benghazi!-like media circus of the Mueller Report, the Democrats have stayed focus and punished Ilhan Omar for speaking truth about Israel, and re-worked internal rules to say that if someone “primaries” an established Democrat (like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez did) they won’t get a seat at the table. It’s as if they had their enemies back to the cliff, and it was time for the spears to be wet one last time, but the Democrats sat down to bicker about who didn’t pay their share on the restaurant tab. …

Here’s what the Democrats should be doing:

  • raise the black flag
  • stop trying to win away Republican voters
  • obliterate the Republican Party
  • fall into a shambles arguing between centrist Democrats and more radical Democrats
  • peel the centrists off and make them irrelevant

stderr 2019/04/28 hoist

Dun Aengus at Galway Bay

Avengers: Endgame


(FTB Pharyngula) – PZ Myers:

First, a few of my problems with the movie.

  • It’s a time-travel movie. Hollywood cannot make those — they screw them up everytime. …
  • It’s too much to digest. …
  • Every problem is solved with a fight. …
  • Disposable ethics. …
  • Death is weightless. …

That said, then, Avengers: Endgame is a superbly well done genre movie. We have reached Peak Superhero. …

pharyngula 2019/04/27 avengers-endgame

Avengers: Endgame, 2019 film