Archive for April 14th, 2019



(Common Dreams) – Andrea Germanos:

The president is inciting violence against a sitting Congresswoman—and an entire group of Americans based on their religion,” said Sen. Elizabeth Warren. …

Other observers saw Trump’s tweet as an opportunity to remind the public of how the president viewed the 9/11 attacks at the time. …

commondreams 2019/04/13 life-danger


Monty Python’s Life of Brian


(Guardian Film) – Peter Bradshaw:

Despite its absurdity and button-pushing bad taste, this mock epic stands up four decades on as a stirring paean to tolerance. …

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Monty Python's Life of Brian, 1979 film

A Religion Obsessed with Blood


(Patheos::Godless in Dixie) – Neil Carter:

It’s amazing how different your upbringing can look to you after you get some distance from it. I grew up holding certain things as sacred which I now realize are nothing of the sort. Or perhaps I should say I see now that “sacredness” is a subjective value assigned to a thing by an individual or group. What makes it “sacred” is that it’s sacred to them.

Outside that group, however, the magic disappears. Things you once imbued with supernatural importance now look like, well…just things. There isn’t really anything special about them. The exceptionalism you were taught to see in your family’s traditions turns out to be a remarkably common thing.

Let’s take a look at the inescapably barbaric roots of the Christian faith …

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The Passion of the Christ, 2004 film