Archive for May 12th, 2019

Prehistoric Medicine


(Discover Blogs::The Crux) – Bridget Alex:

Long before Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin in 1928, people were using antibiotics to combat infections.

Texts from ancient civilizations, including Rome, Egypt and China, discussed the healing powers of moldy bread applied to diseased skin.

And prior to written history, there’s reason to believe human ancestors took advantage of many medicinal fungi, plants and other natural agents. The use of natural remedies probably extends back millions of years — long before modern scientists understood the biochemical basis of these medicines. …

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Chimpanzee eating leaves

Is Evangelical Christianity Sociopathic?


(Patheos::ATP) – Jonathan MS Pearce:

There is a decent article that grapples with this question.

It is fairly ironic that Jesus railed against the most evangelical and openly vocal Jews of his time. There are several parables and sermons that lead to such positions. …

tippling evangelical-christianity-sociopathic

"The Battle of Ager Sanguinis", 1337 miniature