Archive for April 25th, 2019

The Impossible Burger


(Discover Blogs::The Crux) – Mark R. O’Brian:

Impossible Foods, a California-based company, adds a plant product to their veggie burger with properties people normally associate with animals and give it the desired qualities of beef.

But what exactly is being added to this veggie burger? Does it make the burger less vegan? Is the additive from a GMO? Does it prevent the burger from being labeled organic? …

crux impossible-burger

Impossible Burger



(FTB stderr) – Marcus Ranum:

I loved the movie. Usually, when I walk out of a movie nowadays, my mind is a swirl of continuity errors and plot problems, and general mockery for “people in spandex punching each other” crap.

First and foremost, having the actors act against themselves was a brilliant trick. I bet that was tremendous fun for them; Shahadi Wright Joseph, as the daughter, was incredible – I hope that young woman has a long and well-deserved career as an actress. Lupita Nyong’o was fantastic, too, but as the headliner who’s carrying most of the movie, you kind of expect that. Saying that she nailed it, perfectly, over and over, is an understatement. …

stderr 2019/04/24 us

Us, 2019 film