Archive for April 12th, 2019

Visitors From Another Universe


(Starts With A Bang!) ā€“ Ethan Siegel:

If an alien ship came from another Universe into our own, we would have an awful lot of questions for them about themselves, their existence, and whether they posed an existential threat to all of us. We must be cautious. …

starts-with-a-bang visitor

particle and antiparticle

The State of Scholarly Mythicism


(Debunking Christianity) ā€“ R.G. Price:

After publishing Deciphering the Gospels Proves Jesus Never Existed in late 2018 I have become increasingly engaged in the field of biblical studies and Christian origins. The subject of mythicism is a complex one that is fraught with problems, as is the entire subject of Christian origins, because of the vast array of competing claims in the field, some of which are of dubious academic quality. Nevertheless, I believe that the field is maturing and has reached a point of growing consensus around a model for Christian origins without the existence of a human Jesus. …

What Iā€™d like to do here is review major works of scholarship that support this overall model to highlight how these works contribute to the model and where they disagree. The works I will be reviewing are as follows:

debunking 2019/04 scholarly-mythicism

R.G.Price: selection of historicity books