Archive for April 6th, 2019

Gird Your Loins


(Jesus and Mo) – Jesus:

Scientists peddle one version of their theory, then along comes a new fossil or something that makes them rethink everything.” …

jesusandmo loins

Jesus and Mo: loins



(Patheos::ATP) – Bert Bigelow:

I have been driving a battery-powered electric vehicle (EV) for more than six years. People who have never driven an electric car cannot comprehend what an epiphany it is to drive one. …

The inherent simplicity of EV’s compared to gasoline-engine cars results in near-zero maintenance costs.

And therein lies the problem with EV’s from a dealer’s point of view. New car dealers make most of their money on service, not on sales, so they have little incentive to sell EV’s. Automakers are probably not that excited about EV’s either. The simple and robust design will result in owners keeping them for many more years before replacing them. That doesn’t help sales. …

There are a lot of vested interests that want to see the emergence of EV’s as replacement for gasoline burners delayed…or better yet obliterated. I think…and hope…that a combination of public insistence and economic reality will defeat them. …

tippling 2019/04/05 wastrels

Electric car charging station