Archive for April 2nd, 2019

The Ticking Time Bomb in Orion


(Discover Blogs::Out There) – Corey S. Powell:

Fortunately our Sun will not, can not ever explode as a supernova. It’s simply not massive enough. No nearby star is a supernova candidate either–not surprising, since stars massive enough to go supernova are few and far between. The closest likely candidates are two bright red stars that are both prominent in the sky, and that are both coincidentally rather similar in distance: Antares in the constellation Scorpius and Betelgeuse in Orion.

Of the two, Betelgeuse is more intriguing. …

outthere 2019/03/31 betelgeuse

Betelgeuse in Orion

Reformation Wars


(Patheos::Daylight Atheism) – James A. Haught:

Rampant corruption and greed in the medieval church triggered the Reformation, which spawned a bloodbath of Catholic-Protestant wars. …

daylightatheism reformation-wars

Ferdinand Pauwels: Luthers Thesenanschlag